Ayahuasca Contraindications

Medical Contraindications & Guidelines

Ayahuasca is safe for most people, but there are risks if someone is using certain medications or has a certain medical condition. It’s important to have a good understanding of what those risks are and if anything you are taking or have been diagnosed with will be an issue if you decide to go on an Ayahuasca retreat.

During the intake process, your current prescriptions and medical history will be evaluated by the intake team at La Medicina to determine if there are any potential risks. If there are, you will be asked to stop taking the prescribed medications for a period before, during, and after your Ayahuasca retreat, depending on the medication. If you are unable to do that, you will not be able to drink Ayahuasca at this time. The number one priority is to make sure you are safe and not putting yourself at risk.

La Medicina does not offer medical advice. Any decision to pause or change prescription medications can only be made after consulting with your doctor or medical care provider that prescribed your medication.


Avoiding Ayahuasca if you’re taking any of the listed medications is crucial due to the potential for serious, sometimes fatal, interactions between these medications and the active compounds in Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca contains potent monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which can interact dangerously with a wide range of pharmaceuticals, as well as herbal supplements. Below is a list of medications that need to be avoided and why.

It is not safe to drink Ayahuasca if you take the following types of medications: 

  • Allergy Medications
    • Interactions with MAOIs: Can interact with ayahuasca’s MAOIs, potentially leading to increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular issues.
  • Amphetamines
    • Risk of Hypertensive Crisis: Stimulate the central nervous system, increasing blood pressure and heart rate, which can be dangerously compounded by Ayahuasca’s effects.
  • Antihistamines
    • CNS Depression and Confusion: Can depress the central nervous system, leading to increased risk of confusion, sedation, and intensified effects of Ayahuasca.
  • Antipsychotics
    • Worsened Side Effects: Can lead to severe side effects, including worsened psychiatric symptoms and interactions that may exacerbate the condition being treated.
  • Asarone
    • Potentiation of Effects: Its psychoactive effects could be dangerously amplified when combined with Ayahuasca.
  • Asthma Inhalers
    • Cardiovascular Stress: Certain asthma medications can increase heart rate and blood pressure, posing additional risks with Ayahuasca’s MAOIs.
  • Barbiturates
    • Deep Sedation and Respiratory Depression: Pose a high risk of deep sedation and respiratory depression, which could be life-threatening with Ayahuasca’s effects.
  • Carbamazepine
    • Serious Drug Interactions: May have serious interactions with Ayahuasca, potentially altering drug metabolism and effectiveness, leading to unstable mood and seizures.
  • Central Nervous System Depressants
    • Increased Sedation and Respiratory Depression: Can deeply sedate, leading to potential respiratory failure when combined with Ayahuasca’s potent effects.
  • Cold Medications
    • Adverse Reactions: Often contain decongestants and other compounds that, when combined with MAOIs, can cause severe cardiovascular stress, hypertension, and other adverse reactions.
  • Decongestants
    • Elevated Blood Pressure: Many contain stimulants that can increase blood pressure, a risk heightened by the MAOIs in ayahuasca, leading to hypertensive episodes.
  • Diet Pills
    • Stimulant Effects: Many contain stimulants that can lead to hypertensive crises when combined with the MAOIs in Ayahuasca.
  • Hypertensive Medications
    • Unpredictable Blood Pressure: The interaction with Ayahuasca can unpredictably affect blood pressure management, leading to dangerous fluctuations.
  • Macromerine
    • Potentiated Psychoactive Effects: Can have its psychoactive effects amplified by Ayahuasca, leading to intense and potentially dangerous psychedelic experiences.
  • Methylphenidate
    • Increased Heart Rate and Pressure: Stimulates the central nervous system, which can dangerously escalate when combined with Ayahuasca, leading to cardiovascular issues.
  • Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
    • Risk of Hypertensive Crisis: Combining these with Ayahuasca’s natural MAOIs can lead to dangerously high levels of neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin and tyramine, causing a severe hypertensive crisis.
  • Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Tryptophan
    • Neurotransmitter Overproduction: As precursors to neurotransmitters, their use with MAOIs in Ayahuasca can lead to excessive levels, risking hypertensive crisis or serotonin syndrome.
  • Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
    • Serotonin Syndrome and Hypertensive Crisis: SNRIs increase both serotonin and norepinephrine levels by preventing their reuptake. When combined with Ayahuasca, which contains MAOIs, there’s a significant risk of serotonin syndrome due to the excess serotonin. Additionally, the increased norepinephrine can lead to a hypertensive crisis, characterized by dangerously high blood pressure, as the MAOIs in Ayahuasca inhibit the enzyme that normally breaks down these neurotransmitters. This can lead to symptoms including severe headache, confusion, blurred vision, and potentially life-threatening complications.
  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
    • Serotonin Syndrome: SSRIs prevent the reuptake of serotonin. When combined with Ayahuasca, the resulting excessive serotonin can lead to serotonin syndrome, characterized by fever, seizures, and potentially death.
  • Sedatives
    • Respiratory Depression: Increase the risk of respiratory depression, especially dangerous when combined with the potent effects of Ayahuasca.
  • Sympathomimetic Amines
    • Severe Hypertension: Can cause severe hypertension and cardiovascular stress when taken with the MAOIs in Ayahuasca.
  • Tranquilizers
    • Deep Sedation: Can cause deep sedation or potentiate the psychoactive effects of Ayahuasca, leading to unforeseen psychological distress or physical reactions.

The interaction of Ayahuasca with these medications can lead to severe adverse effects, including dangerously high or low blood pressure, severe respiratory depression, serotonin syndrome, and hypertensive crises. It’s imperative for individuals considering Ayahuasca to consult with healthcare providers and thoroughly discuss any medications they are taking to avoid potentially life-threatening interactions.

Medical Conditions

There are certain medical conditions that put people at risk if they drink Ayahuasca. You will be asked about medical diagnoses both present and past during the intake evaluation process. A history of mental health conditions are evaluated on a case by case basis and whether or not you are approved will depend on when you were diagnosed, what medications you are taking for those conditions, and whether or not you can stop taking those medications without putting yourself at risk if they are contraindicated with Ayahuasca.  Honesty and transparency are of the utmost importance when filling out our intake form.

    Recreational Drugs

    All recreational use of drugs should be stopped at least one month prior to an Ayahuasca retreat. 

    Recreational drugs that are extremely dangerous if combined with MAOIs:

    • Opiates (e.g., heroin, morphine, codeine): MAOIs can enhance the effects of opiates, significantly increasing the risk of respiratory depression, coma, or fatal overdose. 
    • Dextromethorphan (DXM): Found in some over-the-counter cough medicines, when combined with MAOIs, it can lead to severe serotonin syndrome, hallucinations, and impaired motor function. 
    • PMA (para-Methoxyamphetamine): Is dangerous on its own due to its potential to cause overheating and serotonin syndrome. Combined with MAOIs, these risks are significantly heightened. 
    • Cocaine: Can cause severe hypertensive crises (dangerously high blood pressure) and cardiac issues when combined with MAOIs, due to increased levels of neurotransmitters. 
    • Methamphetamine (Meth): The combination with MAOIs can lead to dangerous spikes in blood pressure, severe cardiac problems, and hyperthermia.
    • MDMA (Ecstasy): The interaction between MDMA and MAOIs can be fatal, leading to extreme hypertension, hyperthermia, and serotonin syndrome due to the excessive release of serotonin. 
    • MDA (3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine): Similar to MDMA, combining MDA with MAOIs can cause dangerous increases in heart rate and blood pressure, and a high risk of serotonin syndrome. 
    • MDEA (3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine): Like MDMA and MDA, MDEA’s interaction with MAOIs poses a high risk of serotonin syndrome, hyperthermia, and cardiovascular complications. 
    • Mescaline: Found in peyote and huachuma, mescaline’s interaction with MAOIs can lead to excessive stimulation, hypertensive crisis, and an increased risk of psychosis or panic attacks. 

    The risks associated with combining these drugs with Ayahuasca range from increased heart rate and blood pressure to more severe outcomes like serotonin syndrome, hypertensive crisis, and even death. These interactions can profoundly impact the physical and psychological well-being of an individual. Thus, it’s critical to avoid these substances to ensure a safer and more spiritually beneficial Ayahuasca experience.

    Alcohol and Cannabis

    Alcohol and cannabis should also be avoided for at least two to four weeks before participating in an Ayahuasca ceremony for several reasons, each related to how these substances interact with the body and could potentially impact the Ayahuasca experience. 


    • Dehydration and Electrolyte Imbalance: Alcohol is a diuretic, which can lead to dehydration. Ayahuasca ceremonies often involve intense physical and emotional experiences that can be further complicated by dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. 
    • Liver Stress: Both alcohol and Ayahuasca are metabolized by the liver. Consuming alcohol close to the time of an Ayahuasca ceremony can increase the liver’s workload and potentially exacerbate any adverse effects. 
    • Mood and Mental State: Alcohol affects mood and mental clarity. Since Ayahuasca ceremonies are profound psychological experiences, being in a clear and stable mental state is crucial. Alcohol can cloud mental clarity and affect the overall experience. 
    • Interaction with MAOIs: Ayahuasca contains MAOIs, which can interact dangerously with a wide range of substances, including alcohol, increasing the risk of hypertensive crisis and other serious health issues. 


    • Altered Perception and Mental State: Cannabis affects perception, mood, and cognition. Its use before an Ayahuasca ceremony can alter the experience, potentially making it more confusing or difficult to navigate. 
    • Increased Heart Rate: Cannabis can increase heart rate, an effect that might be compounded by ayahuasca, potentially leading to discomfort or cardiovascular stress. 
    • Anxiety and Paranoia: For some individuals, cannabis can induce anxiety or paranoia. These effects could be intensified under the influence of Ayahuasca, possibly leading to a challenging experience. 
    • Impact on the Healing Process: Ayahuasca is often sought for spiritual or healing purposes. The introduction of cannabis into this process could interfere with the introspective and healing aspects of the ceremony, as it may mask or alter the insights and emotions that Ayahuasca brings to the surface. 

    Abstention from alcohol and cannabis in preparation for an Ayahuasca retreat helps to ensure that individuals approach the experience with a clear mind and body, reducing the risk of adverse reactions and facilitating a more profound and healing journey.


    Avoiding certain herbs before participating in an Ayahuasca retreat is crucial due to potential interactions with the psychoactive compounds found in Ayahuasca, primarily DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) and MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors). Here’s why the mentioned herbs are asked to be removed from one’s diet prior to working with Ayahuasca. 

    Avoid these herbs two weeks before the retreat:

    • Boswellia: Can influence the metabolism of various drugs by altering liver enzyme activity, potentially affecting the metabolism of Ayahuasca’s components. 
    • Ephedra: Contains ephedrine, a stimulant that can dangerously elevate blood pressure and heart rate, especially when combined with MAOIs in Ayahuasca. 
    • Ginseng: Can increase the risk of side effects such as headache, insomnia, and palpitations, possibly intensifying the psychoactive effects of Ayahuasca. 
    • Hypericum Perforatum (St. John’s Wort): Acts similarly to SSRIs, raising serotonin levels. Its use with Ayahuasca’s MAOIs can dangerously escalate serotonin to toxic levels, risking serotonin syndrome.
    • Kanna: Acts as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which could lead to serotonin syndrome when combined with Ayahuasca’s MAOIs. 
    • Kava: Has sedative effects that could amplify the sedative properties of Ayahuasca, potentially leading to respiratory depression or increased sedation. 
    • Kratom: Contains alkaloids that act on the opioid receptors, which can be dangerous when combined with the MAOIs in Ayahuasca, leading to increased sedation and risk of serotonin syndrome. 
    • Licorice Root: Can affect cortisol levels and blood pressure, potentially interacting with Ayahuasca to cause cardiovascular issues. 
    • Nutmeg: Contains myristicin, a compound that has psychoactive effects and can lead to dangerous interactions with Ayahuasca’s MAOIs. 
    • Rhodiola Rosea: Acts as a mild MAOI itself, which could potentially lead to an increased risk of adverse reactions when combined with Ayahuasca. 
    • Scotch Broom: Contains tyramine and other amines that can lead to hypertensive crises when ingested with MAOIs found in Ayahuasca. 
    • Sinicuichi: Has psychoactive properties that are not fully understood, but it could potentially interact with the MAOIs in Ayahuasca in unpredictable ways.

    These herbs are avoided to reduce the risk of adverse reactions, ensure the safety and health of participants, and facilitate a more manageable and beneficial Ayahuasca experience. The interactions between these herbs and the components of Ayahuasca can vary in severity, from mild discomfort to severe health risks like serotonin syndrome, hypertensive crisis, or dangerous changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

    Prioritizing Health and Safety

    Our priority at La Medicina is your health, safety, and healing.

    We take our intake process seriously when preparing to work with Ayahuasca and other medicinal plants. Each situation is unique and it is best to be completely open and honest about all of your health situations during our intake process. La Medicina also asks that you speak with your medical advisors and mental health providers before stopping taking any prescribed medications.

    Step Into The Jungle

    Experience the transformative power of Ayahuasca in the Amazon Jungle